- Suitable for creating atmosphere in dimly lit tabletop settings
- Inexpensive to burn, only costing a few cents per hour
Clean candlelight without candle mess; The best liquid wax lamp fuel available; Burns cleaner than solid wax candles; Non-staining, and no melted wax mess; Leaves no black soot on your lamps
The most convenient way to operate your lamps and is preferred by most users today; Save labor by simply dispose of the empty fuel cells with new ones; No other maintenance or adjustments necessary
Not Labeled for Home Consumer Use or home décor; Commercial and Restaurant Use only; Special labeling and child resistant closures required
Safer than solid wax candles because they eliminate the risk of thermal shock breakage associated with glass candle containers
- Suitable for creating atmosphere in dimly lit tabletop settings
- Inexpensive to burn, only costing a few cents per hour
Clean candlelight without candle mess; The best liquid wax lamp fuel available; Burns cleaner than solid wax candles; Non-staining, and no melted wax mess; Leaves no black soot on your lamps
The most convenient way to operate your lamps and is preferred by most users today; Save labor by simply dispose of the empty fuel cells with new ones; No other maintenance or adjustments necessary
Not Labeled for Home Consumer Use or home décor; Commercial and Restaurant Use only; Special labeling and child resistant closures required
Safer than solid wax candles because they eliminate the risk of thermal shock breakage associated with glass candle containers